Saturday, 5 April 2014

Should I feel ashamed that I live with my parents?

Hi, I'm 22 (nearly 23), am unemployed and I live at home with my parents. I'm not proud of it either.

I graduated University in the summer of 2012 and alongside nearly every other graduate in the country I've been looking for work ever since. I had to ditch the flat I was living in because I couldn't afford the rent, and move back home. I've been here 9 months and in that time I've had one big internship and taken on a handful of voluntary jobs as well as one retail job that recently came to an end.

I'm not meaning to sound selfish, I'm very appreciative that my parents let me move back in and have been financially supporting me through the tough times. Particularly with my current situation of health vs work.

But I can't help but feel ashamed when I tell people that I'm still having to live at home.

I've always wanted my own independence, I've always felt more mature than my years and have dreamed of having my own place somewhere that would make me say "Yeah, this is my place and I can pay for it all by myself, do my own washing, have whoever I want round and stay in bed until 3pm without feeling guilty." But right now I just feel like I get that sympathetic look every time someone finds out I live with my parents. Like I'm not quite ready to be a grown up and I don't fit in with those I surround myself with.

And don't even get me started on my love life.

I think the part I am struggling with is that I don't know when this will end. I'm fed up and I'm fed up of feeling fed up. I know I deserve more, I know I can do more and I want to be the person I know I can be, but I just feel so held back with everything right now.

With my PMA taking a knock, I need to find some inspiration to get me back out into the big wide world. All suggestions welcome.