Wednesday, 27 February 2013

"You're too fussy"

Since the demise of my last relationship, I've 'tested' different types of men. I'd had a type for so long, so surely now, in my new lease of singledom, was the time to see just what sort of fish were swimming about in the sea.

There was the blonde co-worker (I prefer dark hair), the posh boy who wore nothing but Jack Wills, the one's that smoked & the one's that were clean shaven. None of whom made it further than a bit of a fumble. The closest I got was the guy who resembled Ryan Gosling and saved lives for a living, (no seriously, he was a paramedic), sounds like a dream right? No. After a few months he started getting feelings and I ran away screaming like I did when I was three and thought a bear was running at me from the woods.... It turned out to be my godfather in a costume, but that's not the point.

That's not saying any of these particular suiters were interested in more, a few had suggested we 'make things work' but I'd always find something I disliked about them to prove why we wouldn't be good together. Scaredy cat? Me? NEVER.

After discussing each man in turn with my flatmates and listing off all the reasons why they are wrong for me, I am often greeted with the response, "you're just too fussy".

Am I? Is it wrong for me to be fussy? After having my heart shrivel up into nothing, I told myself to not open it back up to anyone unless I really thought they were worth the risk. So, obviously, with this in mind I formed a mental list of the features my ideal man would have:

Non-smoker, no dodgy accents (Welsh & West Country are acceptable), facial hair, brown hair, has a job, can drive, enjoys the countryside and the sea, enjoys music in all aspects, taller than me, a few years older and who can deal with the amount of time I spend behind my laptop working. *

Is that too fussy? I've stumbled across guys that fit a few of these desires, but fall short at others (pun possibly intended).

Am I wrong for kissing a few frogs in the hope I'll find a dashing prince some day? I don't want to settle for just any old fella who might make me happy. I want to feel that tingly feeling in my tummy when I know it's right. I just haven't had that yet.

If you fit any of the above features, please contact me, asap.

*unless you're Ben Howard then none of these apply.

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